The brilliant Mafra National Palace
The magnitude and beauty of the Mafra National Palace with its remarkable architecture from the Baroque era with its materials make this monument one of the most enthusiastic heritage sites to visit in Portugal.
We started our visit from Lisbon travelling about forty kilometeres to the Mafra National Palace which is located in the municipality of Mafra.
Location map of Mafra National Palace
The Mafra National Palace was built by D. João V with gold fund from Brazil, under the direction of militar engineer João Frederico Ludovice in the first half of the 18th century in the year of 1717. Later on, other members of the Royal family gave their contribuition to the Palace filling it with sculptures and paintings.
Basilica facade with two carillons
The main parts of the Mafra National Palace are the Palace, the Basilica and the old Convent. It has 1200 divisions standing out several important collections as the Italian and Portuguese painting as well as a Library of the most important in Europe, two carillons with 102 bells, Six Organs (unique set in the whole world) and a Hospital of the 18th century.
Real Palace
We have started our visit on the upper floor, the so called Nobel floor, where there are several rooms and the rooms of Royal Court and its guests.
Upon leaving the North Turret is the main Gallery with a succession of rooms with a long corridor of 232 meters that connects to the South Turret in the Queen’s Room. Of note it is the painting decoration on the walls of Cirilo Machado.
The Room of Blessing is located in the middle of the corridor where the Royal family from the top attended the religious ceremonies in the Basilica and to the other side of the balcony where King D. João V could thus greet the people. It is decorated with marble stone from the surrounded regions of Sintra, Pero Pinheiro and Cascais.
As noted, by the experience acquired in the learning and work employed in the National Palace of Mafra, since engineers to workers, it proved useful in the reconstruction of Lisbon after the 1755 earthquake.
The Library is the last visiting area of the Nobel floor and it is considered one of the most important libraries of the 18th century with around 36,000 volumes. It covers all areas of scientific and religious enlightenment knowledge. Noteworthy are the 15th century illuminated Books of Hours, the collection of incunabula dated between 1454 and 1500 period of implementation of mechanical mobile presses for printing texts and a nucleus of musical scores related to the Six Organs of the Basilica.
Then we went down to floor one of the old Convent where the Hospital and the Sacred Art Center are located with the patients being treated by the nurse friars.
Exhibition hall for sculptures and nativity scenes of some saints.
The imposing Baroque Basilica in Italian style forms the central axis of the National Palace of Mafra aside with the bell towers. It was completed in 1730 on the birthday of King D. João V and is covered in marble. It has Six Organs set unique in the world and beautiful sculptures along the atrium.
After visiting the National Palace of Mafra, we went to lunch at the local restaurant Toca da Raposa where the service was excellent. The chosen dishes were Portuguese stew and octopus rice; it was delicious.
Despite the weather being a little clouded, a smiling seller face was roasting chestnuts, a tradition of November in Portugal. They were very warm and tasty.
Our visit to the Mafra National Palace was very rewarding so the art of the greatest Baroque work in Portugal with the combination of paintings, sculptures, also highlighting the great cultural heritage of the Library, the imposing Basilica with the Six Organs and its historic carillon with 102 bells are no doubt unique in the world.
We hope that our readers and travel lovers will also be able to visit this magnificent World Heirtage Site.
Referências Palácio Nacional de Mafra
Thanks to Manuel Manero for blogging recommendations
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